From Mahavir's post on Yahoo 360
Can we negate being Hindu, Muslim, christian,Jews or any constuction that thought has put together since thousand of years. And will not say a thing we don't know. Where there is division there must be conflict. In this consciousness whee there are so many fragments, there must be conflict. In this world he is a muslim and i am a hindu, and that is breeding war and hatred. All religion / society and we all talk of unity and keep on with our divisions. All problems of world lies somewhere within me, and if we have to change, not from one set of thoughts to another set of thoughts or organisation, but negate everything which are not. I also see many of us don't see the urgency of this and float along in this conflict, becasue identification gives security and a sense of being. But when conflict becomes acute there is war, war between nations, war betweens people Hindu, Muslims, Christian, these are not just indications of our set of thoughts or knowledge, but big platforms or gounds of bloody wars, of hatred, killings end less sorrows