Post by Angelina Jolie on Yahoo 360
Mmm...so you want more, uh?!...OK, here is a little bit of biology before I start:
Our body has cells, and each cell has nucleus, each nucleus has a bunch of chromosomes, each of this stuff has complex molecule called DNA and DNA contains genes...also I presume you know that gene is the blueprint of our body. Interestingly, the gene is not prefect and the best part is that it "knows" it is not perfect! Hilariously enough it also has a backup to fix the mess!
Ok here are the details: Each chromosome is complemented by its pair - we have 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes in all. BTW, species that has one backup like us are called diploid, some species have 3 or even more called polyploidy and of course there are some which have no backup called haploid! Anyway, these backups are not exact replicas of the original but a variant. For instance an original gene may define a blue eye and a backup one will define a brown eye; well we will defer the discussion on what eye will that person have to a different time, but the point here is that these trait defining components (called "allele") are constantly under scrutiny and even being repaired constantly. This process is called "the gene repair".
Now coming to the women’s body, by nature, it is designed to reproduce. A precursor to this mission’s nature, a woman performs a special function, you may call it “gene hunting" if you want, because that is what she does. Her gene first tries to repair the deficiency from the back as said before, but when it fails to find the fix; it looks for gene from out of her body (not for her own selfishness, but for her offspring). But the principal driving force behind this is the principal of life itself: "survival of the fittest". The woman's body always strives to get the best fix for all its deficiencies so that it’s offspring is "fit" to survive, and the only outside source is a man's "sperm"! OK, now the biggest question is how to find a man (the source of the sperm) who has the allele that she wants? Also, how does man in his part advertise what he has? Well, this process is what traditionally called the primeval mating dance, or the fertilization tango or simply put courting! In modern days dating! It was hilarious to see in discovery channel how a crazy bird literally did a seduction dance to its "potential" mate advertising his allele!! How the mate did decode the allele information from his dance; I have no idea but decoding did happen!! Smart females you see...ha...ha...ha
Well now, how does modern man does the tango? Show-off his muscles, show-off his wealth & career stability, show-off his talents, in painting, singing, spend lavishly on her to prove that he cares and what not!! Have you done that guys? l.o.l...(Some of the entities mentioned here, such as wealth, are meme substitutes, which I will discuss in my next blog, probably). In olden days men's genitals were the main source of an allele advertisement; they are meticulously examined and tasted by his woman before accepting him; his erected penis length and thickness defined whether he could pump her deep in, his massive balls advertised that he can eject massive sperm (cum) into her! To complement him, she proves that she could be the fertile vessel to propagate his allele to the next generation by exposing her huge breasts and wide vaginal openings, if she has such. Actually, even today many do that, and scientists believe that irrespective of the fact whether massive genitals provide her the required allele, this act in the male part is the best advertisement a man could do to win a woman!! (Of course when and where and how, they didn't tell, hence many couples mess-up this technique...he…he…he)
Here are the celestial dance steps and the truth:
1. During the dance, the woman is very curious gathering cues for her deficient alleles,
2. And man desperately advertising all his strong alleles; desperately try to lock her attention.
3. If the woman finds a match in him she makes her first move!! (Remember, she is just making an optimistic guess here, that's all).
4. Man's heart delights but confused as to which of his trait triggered the fire!!
5. Well, if he is smart (has an allele to read between the lines) he can read her cues, because at this juncture, she does show him distinct interests in certain traits, not all of them of course.
6. Detailed exposure of an allele happens rapidly between them, mostly very explicit; no subtle dance any more.
7. If the decoding is successful on both sides, then the woman goes for the kill. (Watch who makes the decision!)
8. If decoding fails, (it invariably always fails on one side only for some reason!) The looser (whoever screwed-up the dance) keeps wondering what went wrong, while the other takes the next chance on someone else!!
9. Also remember, the advertiser may or may not advertise to many "potential" mates at one time, but the hunter, sure in most cases, always looks for the missing/best allele from many advertisers, simultaneously!! In other words a woman is always looking for the best, while keeping the better as a stand by! The man's strategy is to make sure no better suitor is around than him, at least during step 6!!
Ok, here are the common “word” mappings for the above scientific truth:
a) Items 1 & 2 or the initial encounters, you can call them courting, that trigger the spark. "Love at first-sight" or "head-over heals falling" or what not...
b) Items 3 & 4 is when they decide to go out on a date, first few confused outings may be…. Both parties mostly deny "Love" but secretly desire "could this be the one?”
c) Item 5 is going steady exclusively, lots of sharing & exchange of words. Identifying common interests, differences and so on…. In most cases, both openly proclaim that they are "in" love, and publish this message to as many as possible! Pathetically!
d) Item 6 is getting very close to each other, secrets exchanged, some times even negatively, includes physical pleasure in most cases. Talks about marriage, children, commitment etc., even behave like already married; spending and saving together, trial run may be…l.o.l
e) Item 7 is the "mission accomplished" sort of scenario; ends in marriage or at least successful impregnation. Also remember, item 1 to 6 is no more required, meaning, eventually one will complain "you are not my old blah, blah...." So the best part in the dance is steps 1 to 6! That's why western women keep repeating 1 to 6 and reach 7 only when they run out of dance partners! Are you laughing?
f) Item 8, well it’s very obvious, either the man did not advertise properly, or he got tired reading her cue! Or the woman is too slow to send her cues or simply found him not containing her required allele!!! In either case there is a heartache and frustration. Some give a long warning but many do break-up just like that.
g) Item 9 is just to warn that all during (and after) steps 1 through 7, both parties secretly do keep "backup plans", especially the woman… Hey, you know what? A fall-back system is always good, uh!! This is a proven fact by scientists (read the white paper on the subject called "sperm competition"!)
Well, I hope this summarized the celestial dance called the "love" between the potential mating partners, but remember during all steps from 1 to 8, both parties are spell-bound, kind of having an incurable fever: they don't listen to anyone but to each other, don't believe in anyone but each other, don't even see that the world exists around them! In one world, the word "rational thinking" simply disappears from the dictionary!! Well, the feeling "world to each other" might sound like an attribute of the divine love that I quoted in my earlier blog, but it is far from a toddler son or daughter who believes the world is just composed of dad and mom alone!! Because, the former happens in the "absence" of rationale thinking, and in the later case, the toddler consciously rationalizes his/her world with his/her tiny brain!
Mmm...so you want more, uh?!...OK, here is a little bit of biology before I start:
Our body has cells, and each cell has nucleus, each nucleus has a bunch of chromosomes, each of this stuff has complex molecule called DNA and DNA contains genes...also I presume you know that gene is the blueprint of our body. Interestingly, the gene is not prefect and the best part is that it "knows" it is not perfect! Hilariously enough it also has a backup to fix the mess!
Ok here are the details: Each chromosome is complemented by its pair - we have 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes in all. BTW, species that has one backup like us are called diploid, some species have 3 or even more called polyploidy and of course there are some which have no backup called haploid! Anyway, these backups are not exact replicas of the original but a variant. For instance an original gene may define a blue eye and a backup one will define a brown eye; well we will defer the discussion on what eye will that person have to a different time, but the point here is that these trait defining components (called "allele") are constantly under scrutiny and even being repaired constantly. This process is called "the gene repair".
Now coming to the women’s body, by nature, it is designed to reproduce. A precursor to this mission’s nature, a woman performs a special function, you may call it “gene hunting" if you want, because that is what she does. Her gene first tries to repair the deficiency from the back as said before, but when it fails to find the fix; it looks for gene from out of her body (not for her own selfishness, but for her offspring). But the principal driving force behind this is the principal of life itself: "survival of the fittest". The woman's body always strives to get the best fix for all its deficiencies so that it’s offspring is "fit" to survive, and the only outside source is a man's "sperm"! OK, now the biggest question is how to find a man (the source of the sperm) who has the allele that she wants? Also, how does man in his part advertise what he has? Well, this process is what traditionally called the primeval mating dance, or the fertilization tango or simply put courting! In modern days dating! It was hilarious to see in discovery channel how a crazy bird literally did a seduction dance to its "potential" mate advertising his allele!! How the mate did decode the allele information from his dance; I have no idea but decoding did happen!! Smart females you see...ha...ha...ha
Well now, how does modern man does the tango? Show-off his muscles, show-off his wealth & career stability, show-off his talents, in painting, singing, spend lavishly on her to prove that he cares and what not!! Have you done that guys? l.o.l...(Some of the entities mentioned here, such as wealth, are meme substitutes, which I will discuss in my next blog, probably). In olden days men's genitals were the main source of an allele advertisement; they are meticulously examined and tasted by his woman before accepting him; his erected penis length and thickness defined whether he could pump her deep in, his massive balls advertised that he can eject massive sperm (cum) into her! To complement him, she proves that she could be the fertile vessel to propagate his allele to the next generation by exposing her huge breasts and wide vaginal openings, if she has such. Actually, even today many do that, and scientists believe that irrespective of the fact whether massive genitals provide her the required allele, this act in the male part is the best advertisement a man could do to win a woman!! (Of course when and where and how, they didn't tell, hence many couples mess-up this technique...he…he…he)
Here are the celestial dance steps and the truth:
1. During the dance, the woman is very curious gathering cues for her deficient alleles,
2. And man desperately advertising all his strong alleles; desperately try to lock her attention.
3. If the woman finds a match in him she makes her first move!! (Remember, she is just making an optimistic guess here, that's all).
4. Man's heart delights but confused as to which of his trait triggered the fire!!
5. Well, if he is smart (has an allele to read between the lines) he can read her cues, because at this juncture, she does show him distinct interests in certain traits, not all of them of course.
6. Detailed exposure of an allele happens rapidly between them, mostly very explicit; no subtle dance any more.
7. If the decoding is successful on both sides, then the woman goes for the kill. (Watch who makes the decision!)
8. If decoding fails, (it invariably always fails on one side only for some reason!) The looser (whoever screwed-up the dance) keeps wondering what went wrong, while the other takes the next chance on someone else!!
9. Also remember, the advertiser may or may not advertise to many "potential" mates at one time, but the hunter, sure in most cases, always looks for the missing/best allele from many advertisers, simultaneously!! In other words a woman is always looking for the best, while keeping the better as a stand by! The man's strategy is to make sure no better suitor is around than him, at least during step 6!!
Ok, here are the common “word” mappings for the above scientific truth:
a) Items 1 & 2 or the initial encounters, you can call them courting, that trigger the spark. "Love at first-sight" or "head-over heals falling" or what not...
b) Items 3 & 4 is when they decide to go out on a date, first few confused outings may be…. Both parties mostly deny "Love" but secretly desire "could this be the one?”
c) Item 5 is going steady exclusively, lots of sharing & exchange of words. Identifying common interests, differences and so on…. In most cases, both openly proclaim that they are "in" love, and publish this message to as many as possible! Pathetically!
d) Item 6 is getting very close to each other, secrets exchanged, some times even negatively, includes physical pleasure in most cases. Talks about marriage, children, commitment etc., even behave like already married; spending and saving together, trial run may be…l.o.l
e) Item 7 is the "mission accomplished" sort of scenario; ends in marriage or at least successful impregnation. Also remember, item 1 to 6 is no more required, meaning, eventually one will complain "you are not my old blah, blah...." So the best part in the dance is steps 1 to 6! That's why western women keep repeating 1 to 6 and reach 7 only when they run out of dance partners! Are you laughing?
f) Item 8, well it’s very obvious, either the man did not advertise properly, or he got tired reading her cue! Or the woman is too slow to send her cues or simply found him not containing her required allele!!! In either case there is a heartache and frustration. Some give a long warning but many do break-up just like that.
g) Item 9 is just to warn that all during (and after) steps 1 through 7, both parties secretly do keep "backup plans", especially the woman… Hey, you know what? A fall-back system is always good, uh!! This is a proven fact by scientists (read the white paper on the subject called "sperm competition"!)
Well, I hope this summarized the celestial dance called the "love" between the potential mating partners, but remember during all steps from 1 to 8, both parties are spell-bound, kind of having an incurable fever: they don't listen to anyone but to each other, don't believe in anyone but each other, don't even see that the world exists around them! In one world, the word "rational thinking" simply disappears from the dictionary!! Well, the feeling "world to each other" might sound like an attribute of the divine love that I quoted in my earlier blog, but it is far from a toddler son or daughter who believes the world is just composed of dad and mom alone!! Because, the former happens in the "absence" of rationale thinking, and in the later case, the toddler consciously rationalizes his/her world with his/her tiny brain!
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